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▶︎ Knowledge Assessement Test ▶︎ 30 minutes ▶︎ 30 questions Test your Archicad skills and get personalized learning recommendations. Ideal for those with a solid understanding of BIM workflows and Archicad's capabilities.
▶︎ Certification exam ▶︎ 60 minutes ▶︎ 25 questions & exercises Test your Archicad skills to become a Graphisoft Certified Archicad BIM Author. Ideal for users with a solid understanding of BIM workflows and Archicad's capabilities. Use the 'FORWARD_ACCESS' coupon code for 25% discount if you are a FORWARD client!
▶︎ Hybrid trainer-led online course ▶︎ Expert Level ▶︎ 45 hours (8 weeks) Become a Graphisoft Certified BIM Coordinator. Manage and coordinate BIM-enabled projects, collaborate with other disciplines, and organize your team's daily work in Archicad.